Friday, August 31, 2018


God help us
it were better to have drowned

than to come before your throne
and be found
wearing chains that we hammered

hammered and bound
around our hearts and our children's

nailed to our doorposts
nailed to our gates
nailed to our foreheads
nailed to our feet

You told us good news:
we made dead gold copies
of the gospel
and wore it like crowns

Made chains out of grace
help us--
it were better to have drowned


First ever guest post. Original poetry by Geneva Pritzel. To be performed with dramatic hand motions.


Tootie is the most cutest creature I have ever seen.
I love her very much.
Even when she kicked me
Under the piano
So I had to hold up a Star Wars box lid to shield myself
From her kicks.
I wish she was kinder.
Like Mom said in her poem,
She is really agile.
When she scoots the piano bench
To the piano
She climbs up onto the piano bench
And then up onto the keys
To get up to the top of the piano.

I am ready
And set
To read
But too excited
Since my Grandma Vivi
And Aunt Helen
Are coming to visit!
I can't wait!

Mom says it's time
To turn off the poem.
So bye bye
Until she lets me write another poem!